Easter is the most important religious ceremony of Ethiopians Christian.
Service began the evening before Palm Sunday when the priests would start their matins shortly after midnight and keep up their singing and graceful dancing, with all their religious pictures uncovered, until daylight. They then came out with a cross and palms which they distributed among their flock. Everyone then walked in procession round the building, after which they re-entered the church and the priest with a cross is aid mass while the other sang.
Throughout the Holy week long services were held in all churches on Thursday at the hour of vespers the clergy performed Maundy, or the service of ritual washing of feet.
The superior of the church sitting on a three legged stool with a towel round his waist and a large basin of water before him, began by washing the ffet of the clergy, and latter of everyone else in the church. This done the priests started singing, and continual all night, the clergy, monks and deacons remaining in the building without partaking of either food or drink until after mass on Saturday.